Myths or Truths?
Why is everybody going on and on about backing up your business data?
It’s backed up, right? Your business data is in that thing called the cloud, right? Well, yes.
Let’s talk about the cloud for a sec. It’s not some magical data reservoir in the sky. Plain and simple, the cloud is just a server. Any server. Your data is most likely saved on a server (cloud) on your premises. That’s great. What’s not so great is that if your building burns down, your server and all of your data burn down with it. So, it’s important to have data redundancy. That just means having multiple copies residing in different locations outside of your building. The recommendation is that you have your data saved on additional servers other than your own. The data should automatically upload so that your files are always the most current.
You might have rolled your eyes at the idea your building could burn down with your data. You might have been thinking, yeah, like that’s gonna happen. Hopefully it won’t. But here’s another example of why you want your data stored on multiple, separate servers. Recently a business had their internal server hacked. The hacker, who turned out to be a disgruntled employee, changed every password and effectively locked the business out of their information. The hacker wanted a ransom to unlock the data. This particular business wasn’t some huge conglomerate that might have been a more obvious target for hackers and ransom. But fortunately, this small business had the foresight to have multiple backups at various offsite servers.. Because these other servers were not connected in any way to the company’s internal server—business was able to proceed as usual. It’s important to take these steps to protect your data. Just contact All I.T. to set you up with duplicate data storage off site. With All I.T. the process is seamless, smooth and easy. And they’re local—so there’s always areal person to answer your questions.